Friday, July 30, 2010

Launching a Product Line on Etsy

So, have you ever dreamed of creating a line of products that you've poured hours of your time into and setting up a brilliantly successful shop in cyberspace? Whether it be through your own e-commerce website or through something like Etsy, it's a pretty neat thing to see come to life. From the idea to the implementation, it's a wonderful thing if you have the time, imagination and a small amount of money to start it.
I get that itch to DO even more than I am right now every now and then. To make that line of products, brand it, market it and finally see the smile on someone's face when they pick it up to buy. And Etsy is my favourite haunt to see this process come to life. Their blog had a great article on launching a product line. Here are some great tips:

Seller "laigrai" on Etsy: "Don't forget to keep your story in mind while creating. I started projecting and imagining where the pieces live, ideally almost from the beginning. I was picturing log cabins and rustic settings. You need to make sure the 'set' suits and highlights your first descriptive words and your actual completed pieces' aesthetic. It helps to purchase props that enhance the mood of the line. It helped me to do a few shoots with just props, essentially to see if they were working to flush out my concept (rather than cluttering)."Seller "FallenAngelBrass" on Etsy: "Having a clear presentation of your product is essential. So is presenting a shop vibe. Our product is new but aged, so our whole shop look is antiqued, from the font of our shop banner to the background papers used for our product photos. You want people to just 'get it' without having to read a thing."
Seller "Artmind" on Etsy: "Blog about the work in progress ahead of time. It piques people's curiousity and interest. When creating a line with fellow Etsy seller LilaRubyKing we decided to keep our collaboration secret and started referring to it as ‘the secret project' on my blog. I started making samples in my studio, showed pictures and shared processes on my blog. We made people guess who was my collaborating partner and the first one to guess right got a creation from our collaborative work."
Seller "thestapeliacompany" on Etsy: "Design packaging that goes with the new products and photograph the products in that packaging so it ties everything together. Come up with a name for your line that carries through all your packaging. Also, I design a promo product photo that uses the same colors and has text over it describing the new items briefly. I use this on Facebook and I send it to blogs to quickly announce the new items."

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