Monday, June 21, 2010

Using a Creative Brief for Graphic Design

Here is the brief I've developed to use with my clients.

Design is a process and a subjective process at that. This brief helps bridge some of that, and helps us develop design that will resonate with your customers. Please be as detailed as possible.

Sometimes companies assume people are aware of their purpose. Don’t assume because incorrect assumptions can lead to wasted time. Be as detailed as possible as this is crucial to getting us started in the right direction.
1. Company name
2. Full Address and tel. number
3. Website
4. contact person for this project (name, tel and email addresses)
5. brief intro about your business
6. brief history about your business

It is essential we know about what your position is in the market and what your competitors are doing. This will help us with the designing process.
1. Who are your main competitors? (give websites)
2. What differentiates you from your competitors?
3. What is your biggest marketing tool to gain new clients and inform existing clients about updates at present?

1. What is happening in your company at present that brings a need for this project? (Example: new product launch? new ingredient added? etc.)
2. What do you feel is your number one issue with your product communication with your audience now? (no Spanish translation on product, design is too male-oriented etc.)

1. Describe your target market, demographics, etc.
2. What appeals to your target market?

1. What do you want to achieve with this design? Any specific messages for your audience?
2. How will these objectives be measured? (Example: number of units sold in a test market)

Giving us a timeline and budget will tell us if we can do the project realistically within the parameters.
1. When do you need first proofs? And final?
2. What is your available budget for this project?

We use our expertise in the areas of design, consumer markets and marketing to reach a design we think will resonate most with your clients. But, sometimes you may already know the direction you need to be in. This section is crucial. Please be as detailed as possible.
1. Describe some keywords that identify the style of the product (fun, contemporary, bright etc.).
2. List at least 3 adjectives to describe how your audience should perceive this product? (casual, serious, energetic etc.)
3. List at least 3 companies whose look you like, or feel that is similar to what you want to achieve.
4 List any specific colors you want
5. List any specific colors you don’t want
6. Are there additional graphic elements (photography, renderings etc.) you need to enhance your design?
7. Does this design need to incorporate your current marketing materials or website feel?
8. If you have any real examples of what’d you’d like (a competitor’s media kit, brochure etc.) please share those with us.

1. Do you have a printer you will be using? If not, would you like us to source that for you?
2. Do you have specific papers, finishes you want considered in your project? (gloss finish, matte finish, texture paper etc.)

1. Please list any additional needs you may have- product or lifestyle photography, copywriting, illustrations, website design etc.

Did we miss anything? Please let us know.

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