Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cultivating Good Habits for the Creative

Any creative knows that to remain on the top of one's game, there are habits that must be cultivated; ways of thinking, ways of "looking" at life, that will hopefully make one better in what one does day by day (apologies for the over-use of the word "one" lol)
I thought about my own habits that make me a better creative and here is my list:
1. Meet other creatives. Mingle. Look at their work.
2. Help eachother- give inspiration, get inspiration. Exchange resources, job information, good deals on books, technology etc. etc.
3. Browse the bookstore. I go to my favourite bookstores at least 2-3 times a month and spend a couple of hours looking at design, cooking, interior design, photography & marketing books.
4. Start a blog. I don't care about what... Even having one will kick start that creativity because you will actively think about what to post on. It will also make you more aware of your surroundings. For example, when I visit a new restaurant, I will pay even greater attention to the service, ambiance and food because I know I will be blogging about it in my food blog later (
5. Go ahead... Show off a little! I don't have to exactly spill out how working as a creative can sometimes feel like a slow death. For the non-creatives, imagine getting a review every week instead of every 6 months. Our work is constantly being judged. So, sometimes, it's necessary to SHOW OFF. To be your own mouthpiece and utter "ahhh....I love myself."
6. Immerse Yourself.
7. Freelance outside of your normal work. Not only will you make money, but you'll feel empowered and stay fresh in the field.
8. Attend creative workshops, happy hours every now and then. I know those association fees are pricey and then it sucks when you go only twice out of the year; see if they offer a pay by the event kinda thing. And just attend the events you want.
9. Do a probono project.
10. Pick up a new creative hobby. I started with graphic design and picked up photography.
11. Take a community college class. The BEST class and professor I had (ever) was at Collin County Community College (Prof. William Byrd). I didn't pick up much technical instruction in this beginner photography class, but I was left completely inspired and I haven't stopped photographing since then.
12. Exercise. It gives me energy to keep going mentally and otherwise.
13. Talk about business, marketing and money with your friends. Listen to business audio books.
14. Be ridiculously curious. Take that how you may.

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